Traditionally, the second Saturday of September is the holiday for all pursuing a healthy lifestyle, the athletes and sports veterans – the Day of Physical Culture and Sports. Since the ancient times the healthy and fit people were relied on because sports not only improve health, but also strengthen the character and will of a person. Today it is true to say that physical education and sports, healthy lifestyle are becoming more popular. Ukraine has always been famous for athletes. Our University also can boast brilliant athletes. We offer the conditions for training in 18 kinds of sports. It certainly gives the results - our athletes are known far beyond not only the city, the region, but also Ukraine.

The current week was announced in Ukraine as an Olympic one. The University held a series of events. The most ambitious and popular ones are: "Moment of joy and happiness" flash mob (organized by the Student Council of the University) and a sports festival, dedicated to the Day of Physical Culture and Sports. It was held on the playground of the University where the students, teachers and special guests got together. Olga Remez, the Head of Physical Culture and Sports Center of Uman City Council and Anna Fedotova, the Director of Uman City Center of Physical Health were present at the holiday.

Galyna Bezverkhnia, the Director of the Institute of Social and Economic Education, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Associate Professor, was holding the floor at this special event.

The athletes of USPU glorify our city, region and Ukraine far beyond our country. Olga Remez presented the Certificate of Regional Department of Family, Youth and Sports of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration and prize USPU to Valentyn Khmilyoviy, best athlete of 2013-2014, Master of Sports of Ukraine in weight lifting, champion of Ukraine 2014, silver medalist among adult athletes in 2014, World Champion in 2014 among students, junior world champion and silver medalist of the World Championship, student of Physical Training Department. The same awards were handed to Sergiy Hulyayko, the Master of Sports of Ukraine in rowing, bronze medalist of Ukraine in 2014, bronze medalist of the Team Championship of Ukraine in 2014, Sergiy Penzay, the trainer, teacher of the Chair of Sports. Also, the following students were awarded diplomas of the Department for Physical Culture and Sports of the Uman City Council: Tetiana Chornokozynska, Yevgenia Koltsova, Vadym Shvydkiy, Diana Golubeva, Andriy Smyrnov, Sergiy Trojan, Ruslan Dzyhar, Anastasia Skorynina and Eugene Biley.

During the holiday everyone was involved in different kind of sport competitions. The people watched armwrestling competitions, mini-football tournament, tug, push weights and juggling balls. It was delightful to watch the competition. The viewers fervently applauded to each participant.

The ceremony of awarding the winners was the nicest thing happening at the end of the holiday. Thus, “Veslo” team which included Sergiy Hulyayko, Vadim Shvydkiy, Roman Vasylyuk, Yuriy Mykhalchuk, Nazar Scherbyna, was wining in the tug of war. In the armwrestling competition of women Yevgeniya Kol'tsova gained the victory and Andriy Okunovskiy was the best among men. Oleksiy Chereushenko was the best in juggling, he hit the ball 597 times. Oleg Legin obtained the victory in pushing weights. Prizes in mini-football competitions at Technology and Pedagogics were distributed as follows: the first place was won by the team of the first year students, the second place was also won by the team of the first year students, and the third place of honor was won by the team of the fourth year students. Congratulations to the winners!

The winners have an exciting student life ahead, many sports events, victories, awards, praises that will glorify not only the physical education and sport department but will become an asset and pride of our university, city, country! Best of luck!

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