Recently, the X Ukrainian-Polish art and literary forum under the title “Dialogue of two cultures-2014” took place in the town of Kremenets (Ternopil region). It was dedicated to 200 of Taras Shevchenko and 205 of Juliush Slovatsky birthday anniversary and 10th anniversary of his museum opening. Among the organizators of the action were Ministry of Culture in Ukraine, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in Polish Republic, Ternopil regional state administration, Consulate general of Polish Republic in Ukraine (Lutsk), Taras Shevchenko Literature Institute of National Academy of Sciences, Taras Shevchenko Kremenets regional pedagogical and humanitarian institute.

On the day of forum opening the flowers were laid to Taras Shevchenko monument and Salomeya Slovatska tomb (situated in the Tunytsky cemetery), accompanied by Dmytro Pavlychko and Mariush Olbromsky speeches. After there was held divine service at St. Stanislav parochial (Polish) church, thematic exhabition survey, men of consequence harangues (among them was a famous Polonist, an old friend of our university – Rostyslav Radyshevsky).

The following days were full of prolific scientific work: various literary and artistic reports were announced. It was pleasant that the speech of Maryna Pavlenko, associate professor of Ukrainian Literature and Science and their Teaching Methodology at Ukrainian Philology Department under the title “Juliush Slovatsky and Uman” drew attention and received a lot of positive responses (including Polish guests) and after stimulated to continuation of discussions (lobbying).

Polish expressed their suppot, compassion and sympathy with Ukrainian.

The festive atmoshere was followed by fine weather and atmoshere of an ancient city Kremenets, which is famous by its cathedrals, old cemeteries, museums and castle mountain Bon. We hope that similar actions will repeat constantly and creative friendship among our city and city of Kremenets will grow and get stronger.

Пресцентр УДПУ