Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

It is the person rather than the disability that matters Sociology and Psychology Department prepares the "Development Center for Social and Educational Integration of Students with Disabilities" project which aims to support the students with disabilities through the implementation of equal...
"European Youth Parliament Ukraine" NGO under the patronage of the Embassy of France in Ukraine, as part of the "Stronger together" educational campaign, organizes the Francophone Regional Session in Kiev on December 4-7, 2014. The students will have an opportunity to discuss the development of...
Thousands of freshmen have replenished the cohort of students at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. They have organizational meetings in all the departments. The long-awaited organizational meetings enable closer personal acquaintances and learning the basic aspects of student...
After the publication of lists of applicants admitted to Specialist and Master Degree (government – financed) and Bachelor Degree (self-financed) the press service of the Department of Education and Science of Cherkasy Regional State Administration reported that the higher educational institutions...
Alyona Zavalko, the third year student of Sociology and Psychology Department at USPU, won first place at the Second nationwide online contest of student works in social pedagogy.
Krakow, the city of Polish kings, welcomes the participants of the Summer School of Polish Language and Culture. Jagiellonian University, one of the oldest educational establishments in Poland, organizes commemorative 45th Summer School attended by, literally, representatives from all over the...
The third phase of the admissions campaign is over. It was done at a high organizational level and precisely according to the schedule at Pavlo Tychyna USPU. August 11 USPU published a decree on admission of applicants for full-time study on the stand of the Admissions Committee. (The order of...
The first and second year students of Geography Department had their field practice under the guidance of Oleksiy Sytnyk, the Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor of Geography and methods of teaching geography of Nature and Geography Department at Pavlo Tychyna USPU.
Alla Rozkydana, Angelina Kolomiyets, Olena Chopenko, the students of Interdisciplinary Individual Humanitarian Studies and Tetiana Draganova, the student of Ukrainian Philology Department, continue their education in the summer school in Rzeszów University (Poland).
The "Specifics of the application of modern training technology in the university" third nationwide scientific and methodical seminar was held in the city of Lutsk. It was organized by Inna Osadchenko, the head of the Polish Cultural and Educational Center named after Jan Amos Comenius, Doctor of...