The students of Economics Department at USPU have spent a memorable summer vacation. It's no secret that the holidays the holidays are the best and most anticipated time for every student, it's a trip to the mountains, the forest or on the sea, overseas trips and walks. Holidays sparkle with a lot of bright colors and positive emotions.

However, for 8 students the memories of summer are associated with completely new experience. They had an opportunity to do an internship in hotels of Germany during the three summer months. And now the summer internship program in Germany successfully ended and welcomed them to return home at the university.

Through participation in this program, boys and girls were able to consolidate the theoretical knowledge in practice and relax in various German cities. For them it was a unique opportunity to test themselves, learn manners, way of life of the country, to understand the essence of the future of the profession, improve practical knowledge of the German language and make new friends. Upon returning home, they are confident because they have spent their internship abroad.

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