Exhibition and sale of paintings, works of arts and crafts by the artists of Uman was opened on September 11 in the conference hall of "Stara Uman" State Historical-Architectural Reserve. It was a charity event attended by the representatives of government, civil society activists, art amateurs, residents of Uman, volunteers, intellectuals, businessmen, employees of the public sector.

The funds raised at the auction will be donated to the families of those who died during the antiterrorist operation in the East of our country. Unfortunately, the sad list of the debased includes already four people from our city...

The best artists of Uman have joined the charity event. The students and faculty of the Chair of Fine Arts of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University participated in the action: Olga Musyka, an Associate Professor, Gennadiy Kleschar, senior lecturer, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (he is one of the initiators of the charity campaign); Associate Professor Leonid Bazylchuk, students Oksana Lavrychenko, Stas Bobay (from group 53), Olesya Romanchenko (from group 52), Natalia Lutsenko (graduate student), Olena Polishchuk, Assistant Professor of theory and methods of pre-school education, a member of the National Union of folk Artists of Ukraine, Honored Master of folk Art of Ukraine, Ivan Serdiuk, a member of the National Union of Ukraine folk artists, a former senior lecturer of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. They all supported the military families who died during the ATO, donated their creative achievements (most of the artists donated to charity more than one item).

The works presented at the exhibition were impressive with a variety of genres, so connoisseurs of beauty were satisfied and found a piece of the soul. Several works of representatives of the University were sold. Oleksandr Tsebriy, the acting Mayor, bought a painting by Leonid Bazylchuk, Lyudmila Kyrylyuk, the Deputy Mayor, purchased the work of Olga Musyka, Lydia Kravchuk, the Head of the League of Entrepreneurs, was happy to have acquired the ceramic candlestick made by Ivan Serdiuk. The representatives of the University not only donated their work for exhibition and sale, but also purchased the products themselves choosing to join the charitable and patriotic action to preserve the integrity of our country, to ensure peace and unity of the people. Social and charitable project in "Stara Uman" enables everyone to express their respect, pride, appreciation, recognition, care that we feel for our heroic soldiers and defenders. After all, we are always caring and united. Let us have faith in the Defenders and hope for peace! Let us love our Ukraine!

The exhibition will last until the end of next week, so we invite everyone to visit the Opening Day and purchase works of art and thus to contribute to the common cause!

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