Regional competition in the Ukrainian ethnography took place on basis of Ukrainian Literature, Ukrainian Ethnography and its Methods of Teaching Chair and scientific laboratory “Cherkasy Region Ethnology”. In the competition participated pupils of 8th – 11th form of secondary educational establishments.

The importance of scientific work in the Ukrainian ethnography in such a difficult period for our country underlined Nataliya Syvachuk, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the chair and laboratory, in her welcoming speech. The paticipators and guests were welcomed by members of creative workshop “Word Theatre” (director – Inna Snigur, senior lecturer), and national amateur band “Sofia” (director – Vasyl Semenchuk, Honoured Culture Worker of Ukraine). The coordinator of Ukrainian ethnography competition, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Valentyna Goncharuk instructed on the procedure of the competition and underlined the possibility of all the participants to represent the results of their scientific investigations. The competent jury estimated the projects; they underlined the novelty of the following researches: “Ritual songs of historical Uman (according to the materials of scientific laboratory “Cherkasy Region Ethnology”, “Humor and satire in Kosynivka’s short stories”, “Traditions of Ukrainian Beads Plaiting”. Interest was raised also by scientific investigations over wedding ceremony of veiling, about famous folklorist and ethnologist T. Fiyalka from Kosynivka village, and about chronicler of “Fusillade Renascence” Yu. Lavrinenko.

The winners among the pupils of the 11th form were: I place – 11th form pupil of Kosenivsky educational complex Sofia Kolesnyk; II place – 11th A form pupil of Uman city gymnasium Maria Denysyuk and 11th form pupil of O. S. Pushkin Uman general education school of I-III grades №1 Anastasia Sichkar.

The winners among the pupils of the 8th-9th form were: I place – 8th A form pupil of Uman general education school №9 Olena Muzyka and 9th B form pupil of Uman city gymnasium Kateryna Denysyuk; II place – 8th form pupil of Kosenivsky educational complex Victoria Buchak and 9th B form pupil of Uman educational complex “general education school of I-III grades №7 – collegium” Anastasia Melnyk, 9th form pupil of Lischynivska general education school of I-III grades of Cherkasy region Khrystynivka district council Sofia Sabadyn.

The competition members had a chance to make angels in the framework of charity project “We make wonders with Ukraine in our souls” (lead by a teacher of the Ukrainian Language and World Literature of Legedzynska general education school of I-III grades Olga Sobkovych).

The pupils got insignia and certificates to confirm their participation in the Ukrainian ethnography competition, and also they received valuable presents – books by Nataliya Syvachuk.