This autumn in the athletic field of USPU and at the stadium “Umanfermash” was held Uman Championship in mini-football, in which participated 9 teams; among them was our team. For the convenience of the participators, the games were organized on Saturdays and Sundays according to circular system. According to the rules, the teams were playing simple games (without fouls accumulation and goalkeeper restrictions). The winner was defined according to the scores, personal meetings and difference in scored and missed goals.

As the result of the competitions our team won in the uncompromising and persistent battle and took I place; the best player was defined – our university team captain, student of History Department, Sergiy Troyan.

We congratulate our champions Sergiy Troyan, (History Department), Mykola Malyutin (Primary Education Department graduate), Anatoliy Bondar, Vitaliy Glynskiy, Roman Potapov, Oleg Temchyshyn, Vadym Matskula, Oleksandr Litvin, Roman Kuzmaka (Physical Training Department), Mykhailo Khomyak, Oleg Melnyk (Social and Psychological Education Department), Vladylav Shukailo (Ukrainian Philology Department) and their trainer Oleg Androshchuk.

Everybody believed in success, as persistence and desire to win, dream to be the best charectarised and continue to characterize our university sportsmen. We wish our boys victories, succes in sports, and Olympic medals!

Пресцентр УДПУ