Recently, at Cherkasy Regional Institute of Pedagogical Workers Adult Education took place a festive meeting on the occasion of III stage International Linguistic and Literary Contest named after Taras Shevchenko winners rewarding.

In the contest participated the best experts in Shevchenko’s literature and lingustics – pupils of general education schools, students of vocational schools, and higher educational establishments. They demonstrated high level of native language knowledge and creative abilities.

It’s a pleasure to say, that among winners of III (regional) stage contest is our university third-year student of Ukrainian Philology Department Alvina Habor.

We congratulate Alvina and her scientific supervisors – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of Ukrainian Language and its Teaching Methods Chair, dean of Ukrainian Philology Department Valentyna Koval and candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor at Ukrainian Literature, Ukrainian Ethnography and their Teaching Methods Tetyana Lopushan on the victory. We wish them further creative success!

Пресцентр УДПУ