Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

In the USPU was held a holiday for admirers of stage mastership – a festival of theatre arts. 2015 was an important for Theatre of Drama and Comedy. First of all, the collective celebrated its 15th year! Secondly, theatre added the third film-play to its repertory (under the motifs of play by...
Recently, at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held First city festival in psychology “Psychology in my life: family from alpha to omega”, organized by Social and Psychological Education Department together with the education department at Uman city council.
15 years Ukrainian Literature, Ukrainian Ethnography and their Teaching Methods Chair and scientific laboratory “Ethnology of Cherkassy region” at USPU, headed by candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Natalia Syvachuk, meets pupils of 8-11 form at schools – participants of Regional...
In the track-and-field sports hall in Cherkassy was held 27th memorial of Soviet Union Hero, professor Oleksandr Ivanovych Tkank in athletics. At the same time was held XIV Cherkassy region Student Games in athletics.
On the basis of Social and Psychology Education of USPU with labour and social protection of population administration’s (Uman city council) assistance (head – distinguished worker of social sphere of Ukraine Galyna Kucher) was held II festival of creativity “We are equal, let’s be together you...
Recently, at the gym of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University took place a championship in dumbbell sports. In the competitions participated sportsmen from Agrotechnical College, Uman National Gardening University, Taras Shevchenko Uman Humanitarian College and Pavlo Tychyna Uman State...
Nature and Geography Department is the only department at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University that exists from date of its foundation. On the 11th of December on the occasion of jubilee at the department was held an event “From beginning of the history of geography department until...
“Ambassadors of Reforms” is a name of All-Ukrainian information campaign, organized for attracting community’s attention to decentralization of authority and correspondingly changes to Constitution of Ukraine. The campaign “Ambassadors of Reforms” was supported by UNO Program of Development in...
From the remotest time, in Ukraine on the 13th of December is celebrated St. Andriy’s Day. Long before the church began commemorating of saint apostle Andriy, this day had been connected with pre-Christian ceremonies and magic rituals.
The scientific and methodological centre “Formation of National and Linguistic Personality in the Framework of Continuing Education” organized a competition “Future Literature and Philology Teacher of XXI century”. The following directions included: scientific and methodological projects of the...