The scientific and methodological centre “Formation of National and Linguistic Personality in the Framework of Continuing Education” organized a competition “Future Literature and Philology Teacher of XXI century”. The following directions included: scientific and methodological projects of the Ukrainian Language Lesson, Contemporary Lesson of the Russian Language, Contemporary Lesson of the Ukrainian Literature, Contemporary Lesson of World Literature, ethnographic scientific and methodological project of Contemporary lesson and scientific and methodological project of Educational event (Literary, Linguistic, Ethnographic).

The second stage of the competition was held in the form of open conference for 5-year students of Ukrainian Philology Department.

The welcoming speech made doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Lidia Mamchur. She was a head of jury which consisted of teacher of the Ukrainian Language and Literature at Uman city gymnasium Valentyna Molokanova, doctor of pedagogical sciences Iryna Kucherenko, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Lyubov Parkheta. The jury assessed fragments from contemporary lessons, given at educational establishments.

The winners received diplomas “Future Literature and Philology Teacher”. I place for the lesson of the Ukrainian Literature in the 5th form under the title “Oleksandr Oles “Yaroslav the Wise” took a student of 15-c group Svitlana Bondarchuk. II place for the lesson in the Ukrainian Literature in the 7th form under the title “Ivan Franko “Zakhar Berkut” took a student of 12-c group Olena Melnychenko; in the 9th form “Ukrainian towel in wedding customs” for the lesson of Ukrainian Ethnography took a student of 15-c group Ivanna Vysochanska. III place for the lesson in the Ukrainian Language in 11th form under the title “Rhetoric, Example of Speeches” took a student of 15-c group Natalia Yudchenko.

Congratulations to our winners! We wish them success in realization of creative pedagogical ideas and their professional activity!

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