Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

In Kyiv Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) began investigation proceeding towards people who helped to broadcast the TV channel of hit men “Novorussia TV” via the Internet. About this was talking representative of SSU Olena Gitlianska in Facebook. In the framework of criminal process SSU...
Recently at gym of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held a festive ceremony of summing up results of youth sports games among educational establishments of I-II and III-IV levels of accreditation and lyceum. During the academic year youth of Uman competes in different kinds...
In the framework of the 85th anniversary of USPU celebration and the 10th anniversary of Foreign Languages Department was held the opening meeting of Scientific and Research Laboratory of Linguistics, Culture Science and Comparative Linguistics. The meeting was open by dean of Foreign Languages...
In the sports ground of the university was held the first tournament “Generations” in mini-football in which participated three teams: a team of graduate students of the last year; the main combined team of the university; team of first-year students.
The autumn day prepared us a real holiday – our university celebrated its 85th anniversary. At the event there were present: the university collective and the guests. The celebrations began with choreography composition “Salutary” performed by ensemble of national dance “Yavoryna” (art director...
Meeting of Academic Council will be held on the 24th of November, 2015 at 13.00 in the conference hall. Agenda: 1. ABOUT TEACHING QUALITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES AT THE UNIVERSITY AND EFFICIENCY OF MASTERING OF A LANGUAGE BY EDUCATIONAL PROCESS PARTICIPANTS. Reporter: V. Rozgon – head of permanent...
In the framework of International Student’s Day celebration on the initiative of family and youth matters department at Uman city council was held a competition “Student Family”. On the 19th of November in sport complex “Amarant” was held a final stage of competitions between families of...
According to the order of President of Ukraine on the 21st of November Ukrainian people celebrate the Day of Dignity and Freedom. This holiday was set up to remember the events of Orange Revolution and Revolution of Dignity in order to honour patriotism, courage of people who were fighting for...
Meeting of Scientific and Technical Council will be held on the 23rd of November, 2015 at 14.30 in the conference hall. Agenda: 1. ABOUT CONFIRMATION OF SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL AT PAVLO TYCHYNA UMAN STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY. Reporter: V. Sokyrska, pro-rector in scientific work and...
International Student’s Day is a real holiday of students’ solidarity of different generations, different departments and educational establishments. Traditionally, this day is celebrated merrily, students demonstrate their skills, talents, energy. On the 18th of November was held celebration...