15 years Ukrainian Literature, Ukrainian Ethnography and their Teaching Methods Chair and scientific laboratory “Ethnology of Cherkassy region” at USPU, headed by candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Natalia Syvachuk, meets pupils of 8-11 form at schools – participants of Regional Competition in Ukrainian Ethnography.

At the competition 2015 were present pupils of Kosenivka, Kochubiivka schools of Uman district, Mala Sevastianivka school at Khrystynivka district, and schools №3, №7, № 14 of Uman.

The welcoming speech was made by candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Natalia Syvachuk, the agenda was announced by candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Valentyna Goncharuk.

The pupils represented results of their scientific and research work, they had been working under during a year under the guidance of teachers of the Ukrainian Language and Literature, head of the Ukrainian ethnography circles.

The participants’ works were evaluated by the competent jury, consisting of: professor Natalia Syvachuk, Natalia Mamchur, Oksana Tsyganok, Oleksandr Sanivskiy, Inna Tereshko, Oksana Denysyuk, Vita Kyrychenko, Volodymyr Yaremchuk.

The winners of the Competition received diplomas, issued by scientific and research laboratory “Ethnology of Cherkassy region” and books by famous folklorist Mykola Kostiovych Dmytrenko.

I place for his scientific investigation “Contemporary use of popular superstitions in Kozache village, Chrystinivka district, Cherkassy region” took the pupil of the 9th form Vladyslav Kachan (supervisor – teacher of the Ukrainian Language and Literature Larysa Kachan); for scientific investigation “Embroidery in traditional everyday culture in Kosenivka village, Uman district Cherkassy region” took the pupil of the 9th form Victoria Buchak (head of language and literature circle “Interesting Linguistic Knowledge” at Uman regional centre, teacher of the Ukrainian Language and Literature Ivanna Vysochanska); for the scientific investigation “Leisure activities of the youth in national tales in the village of Kosenivka” took the pupil of the 9th form Olga Kozin (supervisor – teacher of the Ukrainian Language and Literature Larysa Kolesnyk); for the scientific investigation “Holiday of Ivana Kupala” took the pupil of the 9th form Andriy Seredinskiy (supervisor – teacher of the Ukrainian Language and Literature Oksana Bulykhovets).

II place for the scientific investigation “Straw handicraft in Uman district” took the pupil of the 8-A form Nazariy Melnyck (supervisor – teacher of the Ukrainian Language and Literature Svitlana Globchak).

III place for the scientific investigation ”Regional peculiarities of songs about love of the historical Uman” took the pupil of the 11-C form Yulia Romaniuk (supervisor – teacher of the Ukrainian Language and Literature Larysa Serediuk); for the scientific investigation “Concept “heart” took the pupil of general educational school № 14 Yulia Yakovets (supervisor – teacher of the Ukrainian Language and Literature Larysa Pozdniakova).

Congratulations to the Competition’s winners! We wish them further scientific achievements in folklore and Cherkassy ethography investigation!

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