“Ambassadors of Reforms” is a name of All-Ukrainian information campaign, organized for attracting community’s attention to decentralization of authority and correspondingly changes to Constitution of Ukraine. The campaign “Ambassadors of Reforms” was supported by UNO Program of Development in Ukraine, International fund “Vidrodzennia (Resurrection)”, Institute of community society and national deputies of Ukraine from different group fractions.

The actions of information campaign in decentralization reforms are held under the participation of the team, which consists of national deputies of Ukraine and experts in constitution reforms and decentralization.

On the 14th of November “Ambassadors of Reforms” visited Uman and had meetings with representatives of authorities, community activists.

The members of ambassadors went also to USPU. Among them were national deputy of Ukraine of VIII convocation Ostap Yednak, a student of Geography Department at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University Stanislav Ostapenko. The latter made his own investigation of community’s reaction of decentralization reforms and had won All-Ukrainian competition of student essays.

At first, they met with rector, professor Oleksandr Besludniy. They were convincing the rector of decentralization processes make effective system of education, oriented towards qualitative learning.

Preparing to meet “Ambassadors of Reforms”, in the university was expected a meeting in scientific and research laboratory “Vasyl Sukhomlynskiy and school of XXI c.” with its director, doctor of pedagogical sciences, member of NAPS of Ukraine, academic at Higher School of Sciences of Ukraine Academy Volodymyr Kuz.

The guests also visited scientific and research laboratory “Ethnology of Cherkassy Region” (director of laboratory – candidate of pedagogical sciences, Natalia Syvachuk), Scientific laboratory “Theatre of Words” (director of laboratory – candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor Inna Tereshko), workshop of master class “Ukrainian Towel” (director – candidate of pedagogical sciences, lecturer Natalia Mamchur).

In the lecture hall during the planned meeting were raised the main aspects of decentralization reform realization by students and scientists. The national deputy Ostap Yednak told about aim of his visit to Uman and shared his experience in realization of decentralization reform in the European Countries.

Additional Information

In Cherkassy are already created 3 communities. The most of communities are in Ternopol region – 26, Khmelnytsk – 22, and there are no communities in Kharkiv region.

In Cherkassy region there are 855 villages and towns divided into 20 districts. In 364 village administrations there are less than 1 thousand inhabitants, 138 village councils have from 1 to 3 thousand people and on the territory of 48 villages live more than 3 thousand.

According to the proposition, Uman district will have 3 communities: Uman – 125217 citizen (without Uman city), Ladyzhyn – 26656 citizen; Babanka – 23416 citizen.

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