Recently, at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held First city festival in psychology “Psychology in my life: family from alpha to omega”, organized by Social and Psychological Education Department together with the education department at Uman city council.

In the festival participated teams of pupils of Uman general educational school № 1, “General educational school №10 – medical gymnasium”, Uman general educational school № 11, Uman special school № 12 with specialization in English, Uman general educational school №14.

The welcoming speech made pro-rector in scientific and pedagogical work Olena Kirdan.

The guests of the festival were head of family and youth department at Uman city council Natalia Vdovychenko, head of family, youth and sports at Uman regional administration Natalia Stanislavchuk, dean of Social and Pedagogical Education Department Oksana Gomenyuk, head of psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation at education department of Uman city council Yulia Alekseenko, executive director of entertaining sports and health complex “Amarant” Oksana Ovcharuk.

The program of the festival included interesting competitions and tasks, pupils demonstrated their knowledge in family psychology and interpersonal relations.

In the end of the competitions and their results, pupils received diplomas in different nominations. The material stimuli were sweet presents and certificates for visiting bowling and rollergym from sponsor of the festival – sports and family complex “Amarant”.

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