Nature and Geography Department is the only department at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University that exists from date of its foundation.

On the 11th of December on the occasion of jubilee at the department was held an event “From beginning of the history of geography department until nowadays”, in which participated lecturers, students and veterans: professor Grygoriy Kazydub, assistant professors Ganna Goncharenko, Volodymyr Shuldyck, Oleksandr Osadchyi, Galyna Chorna, seniour lecturer Lybov Vovk, the department controller Nadia Ponomarenko, laboratory assistants Nadia Paranich, Kateryna Ketskalo, Valentyna Khudoliy.

The dean of the department, candidate of biological sciences, assistant professor Ruslan Yakymchuk accentuated on some people and events in the history of Nature and Geography Department, told about achievements of lecturers during post-war time who had put a lot of efforts for preparation of the best biologists, chemists and geographers.

An interesting project was made by professor Sergiy Polovka, who reproduced Geography and its Teaching Methods Chair with the help of documents and facts.

Chair of Biology and its Teaching Methods and Chair of Chemistry, Ecology and their Teaching Methods were represented by professor Svitlana Sovgira and assistant professor Igor Krasnoshtan.
The organization of the event was prepared by deputy dean in educational work Viktoria Smachelyuk.

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