Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

The company Thomson Reuters invites everybody to participate in a number of on-line seminars, dedicated to work with platform Web of Science; our university has testing access to Web of Science until 29th of February and to the other resources of scientific activity from 26th till 28th of...
According to sickness rate of acute respiratory virus infection (ARVI) and influence in Uman and Uman district, the Uman regional management of sanitary and epidemic services, reminds of the main symptoms: high temperature (above 38° C); headache; sore throat; cough; pain in...
Law of Ukraine “On scientific and technical activity” (law from December 26, 2015 №848-VIII) recently came into effect. The Parliament, Government and President of Ukraine initiated reforms in scientific sphere. The document’s preparation was unique for Ukraine. It was mentioned by President of...
Today’s date is one of the most important dates for Ukrainian history of state development. On the 22nd of January 1918 with IV Decree of Ukrainian Central Council was proclaimed independence of Ukrainian National Republic. A year later (22nd January 1919) united Ukrainian National Republic...
In the assembly hall of the new building of the university were held solemn academy and the meeting of the university academic council. In the entrance hall as organized an exhibition of scientific achievements by lecturers of the university, the members of the events were well prepared. The...
Dear young lecturers! On the 20th-21st January will be held a meeting “School of professional development of young lecturer”. Theoretical and practical lessons using interactive technologies will be held according to the schedule. Place: 20th January 2016 – room 216 (university building...
There was held an exhibition of decorative works, dedicated to New Year and Christmas holidays and created by students of Primary Education Department and Social and Psychological Education Department. The exhibition took place in the foyer of new building of the university, at everybody and...
A bright calendar for 2016 with photos of girls from Uman in national costumes is a result of photo project “Thank You for Peace!” It was presented at State historical and architectural preserve “Old Uman” before New Year’s Day. The projected united people of different professions; its aim was...
The meeting will be held on the 19th of January at 1 p.m. in the assembly hall of the new building of the university AGENDA 1. On the results of scientific activity of the university in 2015 and tasks for 2016. Reporter: V. Sokyrska – pro-rector in scientific work and international...
Recent New Year’s and Christmas holidays bring hope and make believe in wonder. Children believe that their dreams come true on these holidays. Kids of Uman Children’s Home for pre-school and junior school age received presents from students, PhD students and lecturers of Nature and Geography...