Today’s date is one of the most important dates for Ukrainian history of state development. On the 22nd of January 1918 with IV Decree of Ukrainian Central Council was proclaimed independence of Ukrainian National Republic. A year later (22nd January 1919) united Ukrainian National Republic (UNR) and Western Ukrainian National Republic (WUNR) into one state. “Long-lasting dreams came true, the dreams for which lived and died sons of Ukraine”, - was mentioned in the “Decree of Reunion”.

Contemporary historians affirm that the first Independence in XX century Ukraine got on the 22nd of January 1918; on the 24th of August 1991 was adopted Act on Independence of Ukraine Declaration that reestablished integrity and sovereignty of our country.

Reunion of UNR and WUNR was a result of unifying movement that existed on the territory of Ukraine since the middle of XIX c. But lack of unity and national consciousness caused weakness of Ukrainians in protecting independence of the country during Soviet totalitarian regime.

Reunion Day is a special holiday that remembers us in nowadays difficult period of “not proclaimed war” about indivisibility of our country into Eastern and Western; we are united nation! We should realize that national unity is not a basic value, but premise for overcoming an enemy and absolutely essential precondition for development of independent Ukraine!

On this Day we wish everybody peace, good health, happiness and fruitful collaboration. Let your good deeds be helpful for mother-Ukraine; unity and national consciousness would be a source for hope and better future.

University Administration

Trade Union Committee

Student Council