A bright calendar for 2016 with photos of girls from Uman in national costumes is a result of photo project “Thank You for Peace!” It was presented at State historical and architectural preserve “Old Uman” before New Year’s Day. The projected united people of different professions; its aim was to support men, protecting us in ATO.

The calendar contains photos of representatives from USPU, made by lecturer Anna Yakymenko and a student Yulia Pokholyuk.

The idea of expressing the gratitude with the help of the calendar belongs to Uman journalists Victoria Mykhailyuk-Vrachynska and Lilia Kushnirenko, who took responsibility of its making and attracting sponsors. According to Victoria, a part edition will be send to soldiers in ATO, the rest you can buy in volunteer headquaters “Towards Victory”. The costs, received from selling the calendars will be directed for servicemen needs.

During the presentation of the calendar, one of the participators mentioned, “The greatest talent is to do good…” This phrase characterizes women-activists. We should be grateful for the women’s creation aimed at giving warmth to those who protect us and fights for our peaceful life!

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