According to sickness rate of acute respiratory virus infection (ARVI) and influence in Uman and Uman district, the Uman regional management of sanitary and epidemic services, reminds of the main symptoms:

  • high temperature (above 38° C);
  • headache;
  • sore throat;
  • cough;
  • pain in muscles;
  • heavy breath, short breath;
  • vomiting, diarrhea.

The disease can begin with acute pain and general intoxication.

The specialists marked the following effective methods of ARVI and flu profilaxis:

  • full value nourishment with natural vitamins;
  • hardening, and airing of rooms;
  • cleaning of rooms at least twice a day;
  • taking strengthening immune and tonic medicine.

The most effective are the following general sanitary-and-hygienic recommendations:

  • to bar from overcooling of the organism;
  • to wash hands with soap, especially after visits;
  • to cover nose and mouse with a doily, especially when cough or sneeze;
  • to use remedies of non-traditional medicine, homoeopathic medicine, oxoline ointment;
  • not to visit overcrowded places;
  • to see doctor at having first symptoms of the disease.
Пресцентр УДПУ