Pavlo Tychyna USPU students triumphed at World Championship among students and Championship of Europe in weight lifting, which took place in Porto, Portugal from the 12th until 15th of May.

Students of Physical Training Department Valentyn Khmilioviy (weight category – up to 75 kg) and Vadym Marchak (weight category +90 kg) were members of the mixed team of Ukraine; they glorified our country and university, proved that Physical Training Department trains the real champions! The preceding idea accentuated USPU rector, professor Oleksandr Besludniy during the meeting with the championship’s triumphers Valentyn Khmilioviy and Vadym Marchak. Oleksandr Ivanovych congratulated students on their victories and asked about preparation to the competitions and the competitions themselves.

In the championship participated almost 200 sportsmen from 17 countries around the world. The sports event was held on top level, all the participants demonstrated their skills at maximum and showed the best results.

Our sportsmen tried their best to perform very well. As a result, Valentyn Khmilioviy came back from Portugal with 6 rewards, 5 of them were golden and 1 – silver. Vadym Marchak got 5 rewards (4 golden and a silver).

To sum up, mixed team of Ukraine won I place, leaving behind Israel and Italy. Our mixed team among students was also the best.

Our congratulations to the sportsmen on their good results!

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