At Foreign Languages Department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held International Educational Discussion Forum “LANGUAGE, EDUCATION, CULTURE: ANCIENT VALUES – CONTEMPORARY APPLICATION”. The forum has beсome one among a number of annual scientific events, orgsnized by Pavlo Tychyna USPU Foreign Languages Department in a partnership with Institute of Pedagogy of NAPS of Ukraine, Ukrainian Educational Research Association, A. S. Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University, Mykola Gogol Nizhyn State University, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Inter-Disciplinary Humanitarian Studios Department at Adam Mickiewicz Poznan University and under information support of British Council in Ukraine.

In the forum participated scientists, PhD students, directors of educational establishments and institutions, lecturers, teachers of general educational establishments, USPU bachelor and master students, everybody interested in educational systems development, cultural and linguistic values from antiquity until present.

The conference was open by pro-rector in scientific work and international collaboration of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor Vladylena Sokyrska. The peculiarities of the forum’s work revealed deputy dean in scientific work of Foreign Languages Department at USPU, candidate of philological sciences, assistant professor Tetyana Piontkovska.

Great attention were raised by speeches of forum’s presidium: doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor O. I. Lokshyna (European path of school education reforms in Ukraine); doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor N. M. Lavrychenko (Education process enrichment on example of model of giftedness by Renzulli); doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor L. V. Knodel (The main contemporary tendencies of national educational systems); candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor V. H. Redko (Competency-based foreign languages learning in modern general education establishments: state, appeals, perspectives); doctor of philosophy O. O. Besnosyuk (Context learning in preparation of contemporary teacher); doctor (PhD) at Academia im. Jana Dlugosza w Czestohowie (Poland) Norbert Moravietz (Democratisation of history: historical education and dimention levels of state’s historical policy); doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor O. A. Zabolotna (Ukrainian Educational Research Association: first steps in scientific sphere).

The forum worked in different directions, which were as followed: foreign languages in modern society; strategic ways of foreign languages education development in secondary and higher school; foreign education and science from the point of view of comparative pedagogical investigations; university linguistic studios: traditions, present state, perspectives, etc.

The Forum’s practical values were prolongued by English-speaking seminars and a round table, being held the second day of the forum’s work. Trainers of English-speaking seminars were: a volunteer of Peace Corps of the USA in Ukraine, teacher of English at general educational establishment of II-III levels of humanitarian, arts and aesthetic orientation in Mohyliv-Podilskiy Hailey Grey Biskehliy-Martin and a volunteer of Peace Corps of the USA in Ukraine, teacher of English at O. Y. Korniychuk Khrystynivka specialized school № 1 Cathrin Niyerman.

The Forum’s organizers, Foreign Languages Department at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University are grateful to all the members and participants. It is the scientist’s from all over Ukraine, Poland, Turkmenistan, Bilorussia, Russia, Armenia, and China great interest gives a chance to believe that this experience will be continued. The scientific discussions will be prolongued in pages of scientific and pedagogical magazine “Comparative and Pedagogical Studios”.

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