Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

The Students of "Tourism" Department and the teachers of Economics Department who are members of the "Meridian" Tourist Club made ??a long walking trip from the town of Novoarkhanhelsk to the village of Komysheve of Novoarkhanhelsk Raion. The total length of the route was about 15 km. and it ran...
Recently, the last bell rang for the first graduates of the Pedagogical Lyceum with which our University cooperates. Beautiful, festive, full of desire to continue learning in the future they came to the festive meeting. Maya Telychko, the Director of Pedagogical Lyceum summarized the academic...
On June 4th Uman celebrated "Cherkasy. Milestones of the History “ festival dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Cherkasy Oblast. The celebration began in the morning. In the city park there was the exhibition of works by masters of arts and crafts named "For You, my Cherkasy Oblast." For the...
On June the 2d a bright and extraordinary event was taking place in Uman. It was the first street festival initiated by the People’s Deputy Anton Yatsenko jointly with Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, student social and psychological support within the University in the frames of...
A group of students of the Foreign Languages Department, including Liza Zabolotna, Inna Losinets, Galina Goida, Anastasіya Shvets and Yulіya Krasovska took part in the international project in Poland. The aim of the trip was to learn the specifics of the educational process in Polish higher...
According to the results of the final stage of the nationwide competition of conditions and occupational safety in educational institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was awarded the 1st Degree Diploma in the category...
On the 2d of June the first Uman street theater festival will take place as part of the cultural "Uman is the Cultural Capital of Ukraine" artistic campaign initiated by Anton Yatsenko - a People’s Deputy of Ukraine.
On the 29th of May the teaching staff and the students - young scholars of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University had a solemn festival dedicated to the Day of Science. The festival was attended by the distinguished guests - representatives of the state administration, the management of...
The Sociology and Psychology Department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University has always been one of the most active and enthusiastic teams. Recently the Department team has celebrated its professional holiday – a Week of Psychologist. The event was bright with a series of...
Recently at "Environment and Education" research laboratory of USPU there was a meeting of scientists of the Nature and Geography Department and the Laboratory coordinator of Schmal’gausen Institute of Zoology of the NAS of Ukraine. The aim of the research was to summarize the results of the...