On the 29th of May the teaching staff and the students - young scholars of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University had a solemn festival dedicated to the Day of Science.

The festival was attended by the distinguished guests - representatives of the state administration, the management of the city and district, fellow scientists.

A large number of teachers and students was awarded diplomas - Olga Furman, the Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Science of Cherkasy Regional State Administration, Olga Zhaldak, the Chairman of Union of Education and Science of Cherkasy Oblast, Petro Payevskyy, the Deputy Mayor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Oleg Kozhemiak, the First Deputy Chairman of Uman District Administration.

Among the awarded there were the following honored people: Natalia Pobirchenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of NAPS of Ukraine, USPU Rector; Doctors of Sciences and Professors: Olexandr Kobernik, Anatoliy Muzichenko, Svitlana Sovgira; PhD and Profesors: Anatoliy Karasevych, Natalia Syvachuk; Associate Professors: Oksana Zabolotna, Oksana Kravchenko, Natalia Kolyada, Valeriy Mykolayko, Olexandr Osadchiy, Olga Skus, Ludmyla Chvertko, Olena Yaroshynska and others.

Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector of the University, wished the scientists a great progress on the difficult path of scientific research and the training of future generations of scientists able to improve the scientific potential of Ukraine. She thanked the scientists of the university who put much effort into carrying out important research and development, training of qualified personnel, establishing the international scientific and educational cooperation, facilitating the functioning of the innovative structures and promoting the reputation of the University.

The University scientists were greeted by the telegrams from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Ivan Kosenko, the Director of the National "Sofiyivka" Park, member of NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Biological Sciences, and corresponding member of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It is stressed that the festival of Sciences comes across as "known and recognized in Ukraine and abroad, educational and scientific institution the authority of which is indisputable" and that "the university maintains a stable development, keeps up with the times, pays a great attention to the development of research and innovation potential".

On this festive day the team of scientists and educators welcomed the new University Professors. By the Decision of the State Personnel Review Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine the title of Professor was conferred to the Doctors of Sciences Oksana Braslavska and Olga Komar, the title of Assistant Professor was conferred to Larissa Danylevych, the PhD, Alla Dobryden, Iryna Kravtsova, Lesya Kravchenko, Tatiana Kremeshna, Sergiy Olkhovetskiy, Tetiana Piontkovska, Victorya Furkalo, Valentyna Kharitonova.

The solemn ceremony honored the pride of the University: Igor Opatskiy, a student of History Department, the winner of international competition in history "1812 and Ukraine" (supervisor - Zinaida Svyaschenko, PhD. in Historical Sciences), students of the Philological Department - Mariana Marandu (1st place in the international competition of Ukrainian Studies for students and young scientists whose supervisor was Professor Natalia Syvachuk) and Mariya Krayeva (1st place in the international linguistic and literature competition of pupils and students named after Taras Shevchenko). Associate Professor Oksana Zielinska, PhD. in Philological Sciences, Mariya’s supervisor, was also awarded with a valuable gift and received the gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

A large group of students – the winners of the nationwide competition of student research works and nationwide Olympiad of 2011-2012 school years was awarded with Diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. And the winners of these prestigious student competitions of 2012-2013 academic years received the gratitude too. The young scientists owe their victories to their supervisors who received sincere, warm words of gratitude for their everyday work, expertise, care, professionalism, new researches and love for the younger generation.

This year it was the first time that the University held the contest "Best Young Scientist of USPU" in the categories "Best Young Scientist", "Best Young Researcher", "Best Student-scientist."

For winning in the category "Best Young Scientist" the following people were awarded: Petro Kurmayev, Doctor of Economic Sciences - in "Social and Human Sciences”, Oleksandr Lavryk, Ph.D. in Biological Sciences - in "Natural and Mathematical Sciences."

The winners in the category "Best Young Researcher": Natalia Pacheva, Assistant Professor in Marketing and Business Management - in "Social and Human Sciences," Svitlana Lyulenko, teacher of Biology and Methods of Learning - in "Natural and Mathematical Sciences," Oleksiy Melnyk, teacher of technical and technological disciplines, labor protection and life safety - in "Technical Sciences".

The winners in the "Best student researcher" category: Liza Zabolotna, a student of the Foreign Languages Department - in "Social and Human Sciences," Yuriy Hanushchak, a student of the Natural Sciences and Geography Department - in "Natural and Mathematical Sciences."

Performances of creative groups of the University - Academic and folk choirs (leaders: Leonid Yatlo and Vasyl Semenchuk – honored workers of the culture of Ukraine), "Yavoryna" folk Dance Ensemble (Director - Sergey Kutsenko, laureate of international competitions), "Vis" modern dance ensemble (Director - Ludmila Androschuk, laureate of international competitions), solo vocalists Yuliya Lysyanska, Volodymyr Derenyuk, and Yuliya Kybalchuk were an inspirational addition to the wishes of further prosperity to the institution team, enthusiasm and conquering new heights in science.

The photos of the event can be found here.
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