On June the 2d a bright and extraordinary event was taking place in Uman. It was the first street festival initiated by the People’s Deputy Anton Yatsenko jointly with Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, student social and psychological support within the University in the frames of "Uman as the Cultural Capital Ukraine” Art and Cultural Project.

The festival was attended by the best creative teams of USPU as well as the guests from Kyiv, Odesa and Cherkasy.

To the sounds of the brass band of the University (Director - Boris Basyuk) the USPU students and schoolchildren of the city solemnly walked in the downtown.

At the beginning of the festive program the guests were welcomed by Anton Yatsenko, the People’s Deputy of Ukraine and Natalia Pobirchenko, the Rector of USPU.

On the main stage there were the following participants: "Visavi" Amateur Modern Dance Ensemble (Director - Lyudmila Androschuk), "Yavoryna" National Folk Dance Ensemble (Director - Sergiy Kutsenko), "Sophia" National Folklore Ensemble (Director - Vasyl Semenchuk), "Gonta" male vocal trio (Head - Valentyn Kupchyk), as well as the students of History Department (Iryna Danchyshyna), Ukrainian Philology Department (Tetiana Khlivna), Arts and Pedagogics Department (Volodymyr Derenyuk).

The audience at the central park was amused and entertained by: "Arabesque" children’s dance studio of USPU (Head - Yugeniya Kutsenko), the puppet theatre of the University (managers - Natalia Piasecka and Iryna Malyshevska) and "Orion" rock band (Sociology and Psychology Department). The master of the ceremony was Victorya Mikhailyuk - the student council chairman of the University.

In addition, the craftsmen and artists master classes had been offered in the park all day long. Many thanks from the city folks and especially the children to their teachers, school masters and the students of USPU - Natalya Dubova, Liliya Krutchenko, Valentina Kharitonova, Olga Musyka, Volodymyr Lopushan, Olena Pobirchenko, Anatoliy Korol, Yevdokya Badanyuk, Tetiana Hudzenko, Anastasya Moshkowska and Ivan Mnohodyetniy.

Thanks to the coordinated work of volunteers of the socio-psychological service of the University (coordinator - Olga Pidgorna) and Department of educational work of USPU with the organizing committee the festival participants from different cities of Ukraine seamlessly joined in the festive program. Henceforth the festival promises to take place every year.

Looking forward to the new festivals!

The photos of the event can be viewed here.

Пресцентр УДПУ