Recently, the last bell rang for the first graduates of the Pedagogical Lyceum with which our University cooperates. Beautiful, festive, full of desire to continue learning in the future they came to the festive meeting. Maya Telychko, the Director of Pedagogical Lyceum summarized the academic year, described the achievements of students and teachers, handed the awards, certificates and diplomas. She wished the pupils good health, success and new achievements.

The representatives of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University headed by Tetiana Kochubey, the Vice-Rector on scientific and pedagogical work also arrived to congratulate the Pedagogical Lyceum graduates. On behalf of the Rector Prof. Natalia Pobirchenko and all of the University Tetiana Kochybey warmly greeted the graduates and all students, teachers and parents. She wished them enthusiasm, ability to cope with life's difficulties, joy and luck and realization of cherished dreams.

After a short concert program the Lyceum impressed everyone with the school waltz. Heartfelt wishes to the meeting organizers were expressed on that day by the parents who blessed the graduates for successful adulthood.

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