Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Congratulations to our student Vasyl Shuptar with the victory in the nationwide competitions and the prize for the first place - he became a member of the national team of Ukraine and will participate in the World Wrestling Championship in Kazan (Russia). Congratulations and wishes of new...
The students studying tourism at the Economics Department returned from their three weeks practice spent in Poland and the Balkan countries. With the assistance of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan the group of students, including the representatives from Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Poland...
Recently, the exhibition center of "Stara Uman" State Historical-Architectural Reserve has offered an exhibition of creative works of the students and the teachers of the Fine Arts Department of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. It has become a good tradition. The following...
May 9 is the Victory Day and the great day to honor the generations of the winners - those who had suffered under the Nazi and defended their homeland. They had been fighting for the victory. They wanted to make the Victory Parade in the streets of their native city. But many of them could not do...
Dear veterans! Please accept our sincere congratulations on the Victory Day! It is a holy day, the Day of Memory, the day of Life! Eternal memory to those who lost their lives on the battlefield! God bless you, the brave veterans! We wish you good health, only peaceful and happy days,...
The Victory Day is a holiday that unites the representatives of all generations in their sincere desire to honor and respect the soldiers and veterans of the Great Patriotic War. In April, a group of enthusiasts – the students of Arts and Pedagogics Department of the University under the guidance...
Traditionally, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University involves into the educational process the leading scientists of Ukraine and the world. Recently, to give lectures to the students of Natural Sciences and Geography Department Brian and Margaret Kallinheim, Professors at the Cambridge...
Please accept heartfelt congratulations and best wishes of good health, peace and God's blessings on the occasion of Easter - the great Christian holiday. Let this day unite us all with the eternal Christian values: kindness, tolerance, compassion, and love. Let the miracle of the Resurrection...
The History Department of USPU had the II round of all-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Political Science for those students of higher education establishments who do not study Political Science. The Olympiad was attended by 73 participants - representatives of 39 universities from all regions of...
The National Student Drama and Comedy Theatre of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was founded in 2000 on the initiative of Natalia Pobirchenko who was heading the Institute of Social and Arts education at the time, and is currently the Rector of the University. In 2004, the...