Ivanna Vysochanska, the third-year student of the Ukrainian Philology Department at USPU won the third place in the regional stage of the IV International language and literarature competition named after Taras Shevchenko. The competition was held in Cherkasy on the basis of Cherkasy National Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky. (Ivanna took part in the competition as the winner of the general university competition).

It should be noted that the student was carefully prepared for the competition and she coped with the task very well. It was only one task but it was quite difficult - to write an article in a journalistic style explaining the timelessness and overnatsionalnist approach of Shevchenko’s imperative based on the "Taras Shevchenko, his person and imperative" article by Petro Ivanyshyn. Ivanna has expressed her views on this matter providing 4 examples of the works of the poet as it was required.

The University, in particular the Department of Ukrainian Philology, Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature and methods of teaching have every reason to be proud of the decent work of Ivanna Vysochanska who has shown an appropriate level of literacy, knowledge and creative thinking.

We wish Ivanna Vysochanska, the winner of the IV International language and literarature competition further successful education, high spirits and inexhaustible optimism!

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