There was a creative program of the amateur bands and performers of the Uman, dedicated to the 60 anniversary of the Cherkasy Oblast and the 200th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko in the City House of Culture. Among the participants there were the representatives of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. As usual, the high professional level of performance was shown by "Visavi" Modern Dance amateur folk ensemble (directed by Lyudmila Androschuk), "Yavoryna" national amateur folk dance ensemble (directed by Sergiy Kutsenko), “Gonta” male vocal trio (Vasyl Semenchuk, the Honored Worker of Culture Ukraine, Petro Voloshyn and Valentyn Kupchyk (art director) and "Sofia" Ukrainian folk ensemble (directed by Vasyl Semenchuk). Larysa Saulyak, the student of the Primary Education Department recited “To the dead and the living ..." by T.G. Shevchenko. Ludmyla Hekalyuk, the Head of Public Relations Department at USPU was the presenter of the concert.

The masterly performance of the participants was noted by the jury. Ensemble directors received the gratitude from the residents of Uman city and visitors of the festive event.

All those wishing to see the wonders could enjoy not only the concert program but also an exhibition of crafts. The masters from our University (Volodymyr Lopushan presenting the pottery, Vitaliy Potapkin presenting the wood carving shared their works of arts and crafts with the others. Students of Ukraine Studies Department Tetiana Masnyuk, Natalia Zhyvko, Valentina Semerenko with their leader Natalia Mamchur presented a collection of reproduced vintage towels of Uman. The city and district authorities appreciated the achievements of our artists in promotion of the folk traditions and crafts.

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