On December the 18-19th "Save a fir tree" nationwide ecological action was on the basis of "Environment and Education" Research Laboratory held an exhibition of alternative New Year Trees. The exhibition is based on the creative achievements of the students of Economics Department and the Natural Sciences and Geography Department. The author of a considerable part of the exhibits was Marina Sovgira, a graduate of the Foreign Languages Department.

The purpose of the action was not only to prevent the illegal felling of pine trees, but also to shape a public opinion about Christmas celebration by promotion of replacement of firs and pines with branches of pine trees or the use of recycled materials.

The alternative Christmas trees presented at the exhibition are grouped into three categories. The first one comprises the cost-effective design trees, the second one deals with Christmas trees made of food (sweets, pasta, sugar, coffee beans) and the third one is made of recycled materials (waste paper, glue, fabric, thread, glass, plastic, etc.).

The exhibition of alternative trees raised the interest of the University administration, faculty and students as evidenced by the large number of visitors and guestbook reviews.

Oleksandr Osadchiy, the Vice-Rector for Social Affairs, Head of the Trade Union provided the moral encouragement to the organizers of the action.

On completion of the exhibition a part of the trees was assigned to the orphanage.

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