On December the 19th Department of Family, Youth and Sports of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration in cooperation with the Cherkasy Regional Youth Resource Centre was holding the VI regional festival of student families in which our students also participated.

Having passed the qualifying stage, our University was represented by the four student pairs. The students prepared a video presentation and declarations of love in advance and showed their talents in “homework”. In addition, the couples showed how well they know each other and demonstrated their dancing skills in different musical styles on the stage of Cherkasy city Palace of Culture named after Ivan Kulik.

We are proud to congratulate the couple of Kylymystiy Maksym (Physical Training Department) and Lymar Oksana (Department of Ukrainian Studies) on their first prize, Krykun Sergiy (History Department) and Hapina Natalia (Department of Ukrainian Studies) on the honorable second place and Shpak Bogdan and Inna Popova, the students of Arts and Pedagogics Department on their third place. Slobodyanyuk Yuriy and Polovka Olena, the couple of students from the Natural Sciences and Geography Department won the prize in the category of "the most creative students". For participating in the contest all the couples received diplomas and precious gifts.

So our students have proved it once again that they are the best! They created a festive atmosphere during the competition and lifted the mood of the audience. We are grateful to the dean's office for their financial support. We wish the student couples love and happiness for years to come.

Department of Educational Work