To ensure successful employment of the "Specialist" and "Master" graduates the experts from the department of student employment have been holding meetings and seminars for all the Departments during December.

All Department Deans understand the importance of cooperation between the employers and social partners to promote the youth employment and encourage the active attendance of the seminar by the students. The seminar was dedicated to the most important issues of finding the first job for the young people.

Victoria Polekhina, the Head of the student employment department was speaking about the specifics of the rights and obligations of customers (employers) and the graduates. The discussion drifted to the issues of the regulations of employment of the university graduates educated in accordance with the sate order of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine # 992 as of August 22, 1996. Oleksandr Grusha, the senior expert of the department drew attention to the legal aspects of the possibility of obtaining the right of self-employment and termination of agreements by the graduates in a number of valid reasons. In the process of their work Natalya Gonchar and Inna Drobot, the specialists of the student employment department filled in the sample forms of supporting documents and the graduate employment cards.

Additional information for the university students:

“Ukrainian Union of Students” NGO is supporting “Academy of Skills” educational project as part of the "Center of the Future: Golden talents of the nation" innovation project.

The aim of the further implementation of the project is online education with the best international and local experts, designing the goal plans and profession passports of the project participants based on their individual characteristics and personal skills, introduction of interactive forms of communication of the students with their future employers. The goal of the project is to help the young people get jobs, create new opportunities for personal growth and achieve their potential and move to the next level in their work. The University students are invited to participate in the educational project.

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