In the last days of sping holidays Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University hold a real holiday for choreography arts admirers. On the 28th of March at the university was held II All-Ukrainian festival-competition of choreography arts “April Fairy Scene”! It was organized by Choreography and Arts Chair of Pavlo Tychyna USPU (director – Lyudmyla Androschuck).

This year the festival was renovated and grew. In the festival-competition participated 49 choreography bands from 9 regions of Ukraine (Cherkasy, Vinnytsia, Kyiv, Odesa, Kirovograd, Khmelnytsk, Sumy, Mykolaiv, Lviv). At the competition there were presented more than 100 dances.

The jury was headed by a ballet master and a trainer of national ensemble of dances “Cherkaschanka” of B. Khmelnytsky Cherkasy National University, director of arts and performance unit “Cherkasy regional philharmonic society of Cherkasy regional council Sergiy Zaharchun. Among the jury were also Zhanna Zakharchun, teacher of arts at B. Khmelnytsky Cherkasy National University and Tetyana Savchuck, director of All-Ukrainian magazin “World of childhood and wonder” (Kyiv).

During the rewarding, which took place at the university campus near the main building of USPU, at about 1500 festival’s participators and students in specialty “Choreography” caried out flash mob, accompanied by the song “My Ukraine is Unitary” performed by a guest of the festival Karina Lemeshko. It was a grand event, which united talanted children from different parts of Ukraine.

Choreography compositions, presented to competition, were of high quality, deep in idea, and with bright costumes. Therefore, it was difficult for the jury to define the best participators, as most of them deserved the best rewards. But three bands received special rewards.

In the nomination “The best dancer” has won a national arts band Ensemble of dances “Rosynka” (kyiv) for the performed role of daughter in the composition “On the viburnum my mother swayed me”.

In the nomination “The best ballet master’s work” was marked the composition “Brother” by Contemporary and jazz dances studio “Mir-a-dance” of Odesa city palace of child and youth creative work (director – Yulia Volkova).

The grand prize of the choreography arts competition “April Fairy Scene 2015” was won by Uman choreography band “Step forward” (director – Viktoria Globchak).

The choreography bands received diplomas of laureate of the festival-competition and a present – adorned with flowers hand-made ballet dancer, which symbolizes persistant work and love given by dancers and ballet masters to their compositions. The event’s organizers presented the participators a calendar for 2016, in which the next date of “April Fairy Scene 2016” is marked.

It’s a pleasure to denote that a great part of dance bands’ directors are our university graduating students.

This year’s dance festival, full of bright emotions and mood is ended, the date for the next dance festival is defined for the next, 2016 year.

The picture story of the event you can view at the picture gallery.

Пресцентр УДПУ