Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

On the 12-13th of October on the basis of Uman Natianal Gardening University was held All-Ukrainian seminar “Continuing education is a base of Ukrainian national values under the influence of globalization processes. Representative from Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was...
At Foreign Languages Department was held a cultural event “German Autumn”. This title was chosen because of celebration of Unity of Germany Day on the third of October, when in Munich takes place “Oktoberfest”, and European Languages Day, celebrated on 26th of September.
Except our congratulations on a holiday, that symbolizes love and honour of Ukrainians, to our country’s defenders and those who are guardians of our young and independent state, - on Day of Defender of Ukraine.
Rector of our university, professor Oleksandr Besludnyi received a letter of thanks from Uman city council, signed by assistant of mayor of the city Lyudmyla Kyrylyuk, in which she wrote: “Dear Oleksandr Ivanovych! We express you and all the workers of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical...
In the university was discussed a documentary “Kuzma Derevianko. General of Victory” (NTV Ukraine, 2015), dedicated to commemoration of our compatriot, legendary Ukrainian, famous commander, general-lieutenant Kuzma Mykolayovych Derevianko.
All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Physics and Astronomy Study at Secondary Schools in Ukraine: Traditions and Innovations” will be held on 15-16th of October 2015 at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.
On the basis of Physics and Mathematics Department took place scientific and methodological seminar “International grant programs and exchange programs for students and young scientists, organized by lecturers of Informatics and ICT Chair. The seminar was open by dean of Physics and Mathematics...
Annually, on the second Sunday of October is honoured painter’s talent and profession. Painter’s Day is celebrated when the Earth is covered by last colours of nature. Lavish of colours, autumn is a favourite season of creative people. On the occasion of professional holiday we congratulate all...
Foreign students of group 31-a at Nature and Geography Department (academic supervisor Svitlana Sovgira) visited a beautiful place in our country – Buky canyon. This is a beautiful nook situated on river Girskyi Tikych near village Buky, Mankivka district, Cherkassy region. For its beauty...
Scientists from Primary Education Department (USPU) participated in annual International distance scientific conference “Scientific investigations of XXI century: youth dimension”, which took place on the basis of M. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Co-organizer of the conference was...