For several years the choreographer students at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University prepare some new dance program for the young people of the city to congratulate everyone on the International Student Day. And this year was no exception. All the volunteers had an opportunity to join the beautiful festival, to see "Around the World in 60 Minutes" dance show which took place on November 14 in Uman city cultural center.

Everyone who joined the actual celebration and dances got a flurry of emotions and had great fun. Diverse choreographic skills of young directors and performers were amazing. Interestingly, all that performance was done by the creative design students of group 34 of Arts and Pedagogics Department of our University. There were only 12 students in the group but during the performance they made the impression that at least a few dozen people were participating in it. The participants frequently changed not only their suits but also the characters. The students gave the audience a wonderful insight into the elements of modern and classical dance and dances of various nations and cultures. The festive mood was created by thoroughly selected music and costumes and the videos that helped everyone to picture a particular country in the dance. Despite the difficulties encountered during the preparation, the students united in friendship, creativity, perseverance and dedication proved by the 14 dances to the same storyline. As the students said: "... we practiced all the dances and stories together no matter what, attend all rehearsals because we were living with it." And all this would be impossible without Lyudmyla Androschuk, the Artistic Director, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Arts and Choreography Department. Of course, her idea, plot, guidance, creativity, confidence and inspiration ignited the talented young people. At these leaders are respected.

We are grateful to the students and the people who have contributed to this vision, the people who have helped, inspired, and supported: Natalia Pobirchenko, the University Rector, Dmitro Baldynyuk, the Vice-Rector for Humanitarian Affairs, Oleksandr Osadchiy, the Head of the Trade Union, Olena Dudnyk, the Dean of Arts and Pedagogics Department, Natalia Revnyuk, the Head of Education Department, Maryna Yakovenko, the Head of the Department of Family and Youth of the City Council, Voloymyr Troyan, the Director of urban building culture.

And at the end of the show all the choreographers appeared on the stage to the sounds of modern music to ignite all the energy of dance. They showed a flash mob organized by Irina Hroshovyk, the University graduate and now lecturer in choreography and artistic culture. More than half a hundred students were moving together in the dance.

So we wish our young choreographers inspiration and new creative achievements!

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