USPU representatives headed by Dmytro Baldynyuk, the Vice-Rector for Humanitarian Affairs participated in the opening of the personal exhibition of paintings by Tetiana Fokina which took place in the art gallery of "Stara Uman" State Historical-Architectural Reserve. The artist and her fans received congratulations from Oleksandr Melnychuk, the Director of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve, and Ludmila Kyrylyuk, the Deputy Mayor for Humanitarian Affairs.

The exhibition was visited by the fans of fine art and Uman artists. Remarkably, many visitors were associated with Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. Among these there were Gennadiy Kleschar, the senior lecturer of Fine Arts, a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, Ivan Serdiuk, a member of the National Union of craftsmen of Ukraine, exemplary student of public education of Ukraine, a former senior lecturer at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Oleg Sirota, a graduate of Arts and Pedagogics Department, a teacher of fine arts at Uman school number 24, Volodymyr Lopushan, a senior lecturer of the Chair of Fine Arts. Among the visitors there were the students whose works were exhibited in the "Stara Uman."

The exhibition will be on display in an art gallery of "Stara Uman" till the end of April.

Additional information:
Artist Tetiana Fokina was born in the town of Bila Tserkva. However, she considers Cherkasy Oblast to be her homeland. Her father, Mykola Gorynyn was born in the village of Brovahy of Korsun-Shevchenko Raion. It was he who created the first sketchbook for his daughter with his own hands, supporting her desire to paint. Her father also had a talent for creative writing, painting, woodcarving, music even though he worked as a veterinarian all his life.

Being a high school student Tetiana Fokina attended art studio at the Palace of Pioneers headed by P.I. Linnik, a member of the Union of Artists. However, having graduated from the Law and Economics Department at the Kiev Institute of National Economy named after D.S. Korotchenko she had devoted nearly thirty years to her profession.

The artist didn’t engage in creative work until 1990s. For the first time the artist's works were displayed at the exhibition devoted to the 75th anniversary of Kiev Oblast. The exhibition at the Art Gallery Reserve was the first solo exhibition of Tetiana Fokina. It presents 44 works most of which are landscape paintings.

Tetiana Fokina has been living in Kiev for most of her life. However, it was in Cherkasy Oblast that the artist was inspired to do creative work. Tetiana Fokina is the member of “Yantalka” Korsun-Shevchenko Raion literary and artistic association. She often comes home to her native village of Brovahy. Many paintings of the artist display beautiful views of the village.

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