From 19 to 21 March the National University of State Tax Service of Ukraine (town of Irpin) was holding the second round of the nationwide contest of student research work in the specialty of "Finance, monetary circulation and credit". Anna Korol, the student of Economics Department whose was supervisor was Lyudmyla Chvertko, PhD, Associate Professor of the Chair of Economics of Enterprise, Finance, Accounting and Auditing) took part in the contest of nationwide student research works in "Finance, monetary circulation and credit" and won the honorable 3d place.

Overall, the contest received 209 works, out of which 40 papers were selected by committee as the best. The authors of those works were invited to participate in the second round of the final conference. According to the papers and presentations of the students estimated by the jury which included 24 highly qualified researchers in finance from the leading economic universities in Ukraine different form of ownership, Anna Korol, the Master student of the Economic Department won the 3rd place.

Congratulations to Anna and her supervisor! We wish them new victories!

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