Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

The Chair of General Earth Science and Geology of Nature and Geography Department at Pavlo Tychyna USPU held the grand official opening of the new unit - "Geology and Geography Museum of Eurasia", established by the Order of Natalia Pobirchenko, the University Rector, Professor. The grand...
"Podillya dialect" research project initiated by Pavlo Grytsenko, the Director of the Institute of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Dialects, Professor (Ukrainian dialectologist linguist, linguistic geographer, Doctor of Philology) brought together the...
"Children researches: introduction of a new technique" workshop for the second year students was organized by Olga Maystruk, the teacher of the Chair of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology of Early Childhood Education and Correctional Education Department at USPU. The purpose of the event was to...
The research and teaching staff (authors of scientific papers) are well aware of the fact that in the recent years assessing the impact of the research activities of educational and research institutions of Ukraine one has to consider the citation indexes of authors and scientific journals in...
May 9th we celebrate the victory of the anti-Hitler coalition over Nazi Germany. Ukrainian people have made a worthy contribution into the defeat of the enemy. Our forefathers fought for freedom, right for life at the cost of their lives and health, they have established peace in our country....
On the eve of the Victory Day, the USPU students and teachers of the Nature and Geography Department welcomed the students of the National Academy of State Border Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky who learned to defend the state border of Ukraine. In addition to the beautiful,...
Dear ladies, dear mothers, Please accept our sincere greetings on the gentle, affectionate and bright day – the Mother's Day! The great role of a woman is to give life to a baby, feed and nurture it, save it from adversities. Women often sacrifice themselves for the happiness of children....
"Stara Uman" State Historical and Architectural Reserve opened a presentation of creative works by students and teachers of the Department of Fine Arts at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University in the exhibition hall. This year's exhibition season is the fourth one. The creative works of...
Every year we celebrate the Victory Day on the 9 of May. A meeting with laying flowers was held near the sanctuary of our city – the Obelisk of Glory, Heroes Memorial and graves of fallen soldiers -liberators. The participants in the meeting were the representatives of Pavlo Tychyna USPU who laid...
Dear compatriots, I warmly congratulate you on the Victory Day! This holiday is remembered in our hearts as a symbol of heroism and courage of the people who defended the peace on Earth. On this day we worship those who saved our homeland from destruction, who was rescued from the fascist...