Time demands society’s consolidation in irreconcilability to terroristic acts. Much of peace in our land depends upon our attentiveness. These recommendations are aimed at helping the citizens to act in extreme situations, creation of conditions to assist crime inquiry.

If you were a witness of: appearing strange transports and suspicious people; agitating or recruiting job; attempts of people, objects or materials seizure – you should warn inspector of police, SSU bodies, or directors of self-government bodies!

How to behave once noticed suspicious object that can be explosive (EO)?

If the exposed object doesn’t take its place and might be explosive, don’t leave this fact without attention.

Characteristics of EO: wires, cords, insulating tape position; suspicious sounds that remind mechanism of the clock; odd smell; pay attention to “forgotten” objects: luggage, packets, boxes, books.

Actions: don’t touch, don’t come up and don’t move the suspicious object! Don’t smoke near the object, don’t use mobile phones; inform police immediately under the phone number mentioned below.

Remember: the look of the object can conceal its true designation. For hiding EO ordinary objects can be used, such as bags, packets, boxes, toys, etc.

If the explosion took place: leave the house immediately; try not to come into the house as the second explosion is possible; if the victims perhaps stayed in the house, you should point out the rescue workers where you’ve seen them before explosion; use first medical aids to help victims.

Hotline of SSU in Cherkassy region

Tel. (0472) 37 92 44

Пресцентр УДПУ