Each year on the 21st of February International Day of Native Language is celebrated. This holiday is comparatively young – it was established with the aim of supporting language and cultural variety, proclaimed at XXX session of UNESCO General Conference in 1999. Since 2000 this holiday is celebrated in Ukraine. On this day at Ukrainian Philology Department was held an event “Let’s respect our native language!”

The celebration was very interesting. Ukrainian language was expressed by means of poetry, songs, prose from Tetyana Khlivna, Anastasia Shynkaruk, Natalia Yudchenko, Vitaliy Slobodianyk, Diana Bila, Alina Yagupharova, Aliona Maniuk, Igor Nikolich. Susanna Sargasian and Victor Kryvokhat remembered tragic stories concerning the Ukrainian Language. Nowadays there are more than 350.

In the event participated music groups and bands, which was favorable for a good atmosphere in the assembly hall. The fest’s organizers were grateful to Vasyl Semenchuk, Tetiana Khlivna, ensemble “Sophia”, choir “Kobzar”, pupils of “Preschool educational establishment – general educational establishment of I grade”, Darynka Mazurets and Anastasia Tereshko.

The leading motive of the fest was the words that native language for a person is like the God’s gift. A language should be in our hearts. Not to love native language means to be against the God’s will. Each person should begin from himself: to speak and use native language everywhere. The language is the nation’s spirit, its genetic code. Our forefathers and ancestors spoke Ukrainian, our mothers and grandmothers sang lullabies.

Loving and honoring native language is a natural feeling of each person, and for students of Ukrainian Philology Department it is a sense of duty. Philologists should take care of native language, protect and reveal for themselves its greatness and power.

In the end of the event head of Ukrainian Language Chair and its Teaching Methods Valentyna Rozgon accentuated of Ukrainian, that it is a symbol of our people, holder of development of Ukraine, therefore we need to protect, honour and thoroughly study it for ourselves and our next

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