April 3, 2014 "Actual problems of international postgraduate education: Current Condition and Prospects" Second International Scientific and Practical Conference was taking place at the Institute of retraining and advanced training of the National Pedagogical M.P. Dragomanov University with the assistance of the NGO "Association of International Education, Science and Culture". The conference was attended by Vice Rector for International Cooperation and Heads of the Foreign Citizens Department of 43 higher educational institutions of Ukraine, representatives of the consulates and embassies of African countries, Foreign NGOs and recruitment agencies from 14 countries.

The aim of the conference was not only to discuss the improvement of the legal framework of foreign nationals, but also to introduce the specifics of the higher education in Ukraine to the representatives of recruiting firms. The conference participants identified new targets of international cooperation in higher education based on the accumulated experience of universities in Ukraine and international practice.

Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was represented by Nadiya Remezovska, the Head of Foreign Citizens Department. She said that the University had started training foreign nationals in 2012. USPU meets the international students from such countries as Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, China, Poland, Israel, Georgia, Namibia, Swaziland, Botswana, Ghana. The University has achieved significant results in training the national experts and intends to educate professionals from other countries. The representatives of recruiting companies got interested in the material and technical base of University and noted a high level of education it maintains according to various ratings.

As a result of the conference USPU was visited by Mr. Alfred Alvin Annan, the Director of International Student Care Organization in Africa. This organization is also a partner of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University in recruitment of foreign citizens. Mr. Annan attended a few events, met with the students and teachers, noted the high quality of education in USPU, friendly learning environment and student accommodation. The University priorities (quality, affordability and transparency) were appreciated by the Director of the International Student Care Organization.

Пресцентр УДПУ