Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

On the 10th-11th of November at International exhibition centre (Kyiv) was held ecology forum “Utilization of Waste Products in Ukraine: Legislation, Economics, and Technologies”. In all the forum’s events participated ecologists from Chemistry, Ecology and their Teaching Methods Chair...
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University’s scientific library provides scientists with access to information and research system SciFinder, produced by Chemical Abstracts Service. Testing period lasts until December 8, 2015. To get an access to the resource, each user should personally...
Recently, at Chemistry, Ecology and their Teaching Methods Chair of Nature and Geography Department together with educational establishments of the city was held a talk show “Chemistry without boundaries”. Teachers of Chemistry Olga Grechyn (school №5), Olga Smyrnova (school №14), methodologist...
On the basis of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University with the assistance of Ukrainian child centre “Young Guards”, Social and Psychological Education Department, Student Council of the University was held second All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar “Practical skill of...
Annually, on the 10th of November is celebrated World Science Day. Full name of the international holiday is “World Science Day for Peace and Development”). Contemporary science doesn’t have any boundaries – neither geographical, nor national, even division of disciplines becomes conventional.
A great success had choreography groups of Department of Arts “Vizavi” and “Yavoryna”, that represented Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University at III All-Ukrainian festival of Choreography “Planeta Dance Fest”. The festival took place an old city of Chernihiv (director of the festival –...
It was second time that Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University organized International Tournament in History and the second time of participation of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University students-historians, headed by a coach, professor Igor Kryvosheya. This year the tournament was held from...
Dear colleagues, employees and students! Accept our sincere congratulations on Day of Ukrainian Written Language! At first we perceive words… in cradle songs, fairy tales, caress… With the help of words we identify world, reveal mystery and complexity of the following sciences:...
Today, on the 8th of November quick-witted and light-hearted celebrate International Day of QLC (Club of Quick-witted and Light-hearted).
Annually in Cherkassy is held a competition of business plans with the aim to attract the youth to entrepreneurship. With Cherkassy regional youth resource centre and Cherkassy administration in family youth and sports matters assistance took place regional stage of all-Ukrainian competition of...