According to the order of Ministry of Education and science of Ukraine from 27.12.2015 №1247 “On conducting of All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in 2015/2016 academic year” at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University was held II stage of All-Ukrainian student Olympiad in Specialty “Technology Education”.

Our university admitted guests from all over Ukraine. 22 students from leading higher educational establishments of the country participated in the Olympiad (competition).

The welcoming speech made pro-rector in scientific work and international collaboration, candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor Vladylena Sokyrska; head of All-Ukrainian Association of Technology Education Scientific and Practical Workers, professor Oleksandr Kobernyk, and a head of the jury, professor Yevgeniy Kulyk.

The format of Olympiad explained dean of Professional and Technology Education Department, professor Stanislav Tkachuk.

At the same time with the Olympiad at the department took place 2 International scientific events: III International scientific and practical conference (in commemoration of corresponding member of NAPS of Ukraine V. K. Sydorenko) “Urgent problems of graphic training: theory, practice and ways of development” and IV International scientific and practical conference (in commemoration of academician D. O. Tkhorzhevsky) “Educational branch “Technology”: realities and prospects”.

There was also held All-Ukrainian Student Scientific and Practical Conference “Urgent problems of Technology and Professional Education: experience and perspectives”, in which participated 25 doctors of sciences, professors (all together – 60 participants).

During the work of all three conferences were discussed various problems about preparation of highly qualified workers according to new standards of education.

The participants of the Olympiad in specialty “Technology Education” were to cope with tasks, made up according to new achievements in theory and methodology of technology studies.

In the program of the Olympiad in specialty “Technology Education” were included the following stages of the competition: presentation, summary of a lesson, project’s defense, testing in professional oriented disciplines, conducting of lesson’s fragments.

According to the results the winners were defined. Ceremony of delivering diplomas and money was agitating. The mission was performed by doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of Pedagogy and Educational Management Chair at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University Oleksandr Kobernyk.

This year I place took our IV year student Ihor Balanyuk. Our congratulations to the winners! We wish them inspiration, new achievements and victories!

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