Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

You have an opportunity to enter Preparatory Training Department (educational and training division of adjacent professions) for full-time and part-time training courses the specialty "Social Worker" (vocational education). All graduates receive the qualification "Social Worker" of the 3rd grade...
On July 2, 2012, like all higher education institutions of Ukraine, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University began documents reception at full-time training course for the educational qualification level of "Bachelor", "Specialist" and "Master". Admission is open daily from 7.30...
On the 1st of July the 10th anniversary of Reserve Officers Training Department creation in Military Academy (Odesa) was solemnly celebrated. Rector of Uman Pedagogical University Nataliya Pobirchenko also congratulated the Department.
Maintaining a long European tradition of academic mobility (student exchanges, lecturers and students’ studying and training abroad) University firstly admits foreign students to study at accredited directions and specialties, as well as at graduate and doctoral studies. Preparatory work is...
Dear colleagues, dear students! Congratulate you on an important national holiday - Constitution Day of Ukraine. Adoption of the Constitution marked a fundamental strengthening of our independence, will of Ukrainian people to live in their own sovereign, unified state. The Constitution...
Plein-air practice is an essential component of professional training of future fine arts teachers. The word "Plein Air" comes from the French word plein-air, that is, drawing from nature landscapes, at the open space. Every year in early summer the first and the second year students of "Fine...
In June, students of the 12th and 13th groups of Natural Sciences And Geography Department took the training and field practice in "Meteorology" and "Hydrology" course in Stavky village of Bershad' district Vinnytsya region.
Youth Day in Ukraine is the holiday of enthusiasm and energy, self-affirmation and perception, inspiration and creativity, love and romance. Youth is a great and memorable stage in every person’s the life, in addition, it is also a special state of mind. This time is for searches, discoveries...
Teaching and field practices that students have in different regions of Ukraine play an important part in biology teachers' practical training. During the period from 8 to 18 of June the first year students in "Biology" course made a trip to beautiful places of the Carpathians (Transcarpathian...
Recently an agreement on creative cooperation between Arts And Pedagogics Department of Child Development Institute of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University and Institute of Arts, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University was signed. The agreement provides strengthening the scientific contacts,...