Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

On October 19, students and teachers of Arts and Pedagogics Department of "Fine Art" specialty visited the historic cultural center of Ukraine - Lviv. It is a legendary city, full of mysteries... The city, where each building is a historic monument! City of friendly and smiling people, where...
Last week, Uman was visited by ten Olympic champions and prizemen in various sports who had carried out an Olympic lesson "Pump yourself in rhythm of Olympics!".
On October 18, workshop of social cycle teachers on theme "Local historical work in school: theory, methodology, practice" was held at the History Department of Uman State Pedagogical University together with Methodological Department of Education of Uman district state administration.
On November 1, 2012 preparatory courses will be started. During studying process school leavers, will have a comprehensive training to external testing and get to know the peculiarities of the admission in 2013 under the guidance of experienced lecturers. Documents submission lasts from...
On October 18, report and elective conference of student self-government was held where the results of student self-government work in the last academic year and re-elections of the head and student council members were key issues on the agenda. University Rector Prof. Nataliya S. Pobirchenko and...
On October 16, a reporting meeting of Students Scientific Society was held and representatives of all departments participated in it. On the agenda: a report on the work of SSS for 2011-2012 academic years and the election of new SSS staff.
It has already become a tradition the participation of USPU students together with pupils of Uman schools in "Polish-Ukrainian Youth Exchange", which is conducted the fourth year running between Uman (Ukraine) and Gniezno (Poland) in assistance with Warsaw National Center of Culture. During the...
On October 10, an introductory party took place in the University dormitory. This evening turned into a feast, where you could find new talents and real friends. Students of various courses of all departments prepared a concert program, demonstrating their skills in singing, acting and comic...
Uman traditionally celebrates the City’s Day on the first Saturday of October. This year the celebration was confined to the 400th anniversary of the first written mention of Uman.
From September 24 to October 4, the 10th World Freestyle Wrestling Championship among students took place in Finland. The event was attended by representatives of 26 countries. Women's national team of Ukraine took the first team place, leaving behind teams of Japan and Poland. Hope of Ukrainian...