Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Dear Natalia Semenivna! The university staff and students congratulate you on the title "Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine" awarding (Decree of the President of Ukraine № 582/2012). It is a worthy assessment of your significant personal contribution to the development of national...
On October 3, the university administration, students and special guests participated in the inauguration of the new premises of the Research Laboratory of Pedagogical Competence (110 lecture hall, building № 3). This event is a clear indication that the university creates the best conditions for...
In order to expand the creative collaboration of Natural Science and Geography Department with specialized schools, representatives of Biology and methods of its teaching chair familiarized with work experience of Ryzyn secondary school of Zvenygorodka district, Cherkasy region, headed by the...
On October 1, a round table "Modern trends of teaching foreign languages in Russia and Ukraine" meeting took place in Regional Centre of foreign languages teaching at Foreign Languages Department.
Department. Students reported on participation in the international program of cultural and educational exchange, which included 3-month staying in the U.S.A. in summer 2012. Participating students shared their experience with potential program participants.
Economics Department conducted a number of activities on the occasion of the Day of Tourism. On September 24, students of all courses took part in a competition on the best wall newspaper "Tourism without borders" and after summing up the winners were awarded.
A one-day camping trip for the second year students of Physical Education Department was the true test of endurance. It was the celebration of the International Day of Tourism.
As part of the agreement on creative collaboration Natural Sciences And Geography Department organized the meeting with a leading scholar in the field of zoology, director of Shmalgauzen Institute of Zoology of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, member of Ukrainian National Academy of...
On September 27, a session of the heads of sections and scientific supervisors of Academy of Young Researches was held. The problem investigated: "Identification, development and support of young talents - one of the main objectives of Academy of Young Researches". The meeting was attended by...
Summer is a time when everyone has the opportunity to be fully immersed in their dreams, put desires into practice and eventually throw out all the energy and tension that have gathered after a hard working year. And it doesn't matter if you are at the beach or in the native land, if your soul and...