Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Today, the professor of Music Arts Chair of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, People's Artist of Ukraine Mykola Gnatyuk is 60. The University staff greets the professor and wishes a creative longevity, grace, good health! Remembering the names of famous singer’s hits we want you...
On September 6-9, the traditional ecological expedition of university scientists within the state budget theme "Research of potential of landscape ecosystems of Central Bug for Ukrainian ecological network formation and the involvement of youth into environmental work" was held. The tasks of the...
On the 7th of September the scientific seminar "Olympic movement of Cherkasy region: past, present and future" took place at Physical Education Department. University lecturers, students and representatives of Uman sports teams were participated at the seminar.
Realization of double diploma program of our University and Higher managerial school in Legnica (Poland) has started in August. As a result, undergraduates and university staff will receive a diploma of European standard in "Management". University staff Svitlana Zayets, Sergiy Kovalenko, Inna...
On September 7, Economy of Enterprises, Finance, Accounting and Audit Chair together with innovative business incubator held a scientific and methodical seminar on "Entrepreneurship: the path to success" theme on the occasion of the entrepreneur day.
On the 4th of September the meeting of the university administration, headed by rector Natalia Pobirchenko with young specialists took place. The main problem for today's youth is the first job, because students met with many obstacles after graduation. Therefore, they met President's social...
Studying at the University is a complicated and multifaceted process of adaptation, including active adaptation to new conditions of life, an inclusion to a new kind of activity and new social environment. At first freshmen feel a bit embarrassed in a new place, among unknown people. And an...
The first autumn days greeted us with gentle coolness - such long-expected after a hot summer. But the summer time was the "hottest" and full of excitement for yesterday's entrants and today's freshmen. And this autumn is special for them as it is the first in their student life. On the 1st of...
On August 31, the first meeting of the Academic Council took place in the new academic year. A report on the outcomes for the 2011-2012 academic year and goals for the next one at the University were presented. The meeting was visited by the University chairs’ heads, heads of departments and...
On August 23 the festival of music and poetry "Vgolos" took place in Cherkasy Square "Khreschatyk City" where the University graduate Olga Pidgorna presented her works. She was presented as a poet and artist, and also involved in the avant-garde staging of the festival participant’s thumbnail...