The first autumn days greeted us with gentle coolness - such long-expected after a hot summer. But the summer time was the "hottest" and full of excitement for yesterday's entrants and today's freshmen. And this autumn is special for them as it is the first in their student life.

On the 1st of September a solemn ritual of Initiation of freshmen into university students took place, where parents and city guests, heads of district and city, sponsors and friends of the university - Deputy of Ukraine, Doctor of Science (Economics) Anton Yatsenko, head of the District State Administration Anatoliy Petrenko and Deputy of Regional Council, president of close joint-stock company "Uman" Agroshlyahbud", Honored Builder of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize in the field of architecture and construction Gennadiy Granovskyi and People's Artist of Ukraine Nina Matviyenko were invited.

All University departments headed by deans and directors of institutes were lined up in front of the University under the sounds of a brass band.

Rector - Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogics), corresponding member of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine Nataliya S. Pobirchenko opened the ceremony of Initiation of freshmen into students.

Our University met new students sincerely. After the official Initiation freshmen could take part in adaptive trainings, meet with lecturers and students of the institution, feel friendly and creative atmosphere. Departments and Institutes presented its programs to the first year students. Their representatives spoke about the opportunities that now are available for the new members of a large education family called Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.

Students will have a lot of pleasant discoveries and the chance to benefit from their chosen specialty. But today the first autumn in students’ life. And the University task is to make it interesting, useful and memorable, help students to like a chosen profession and become qualified specialists.

Student life at our university is active. And those who came here for knowledge, will get much more than have expected, because they become members of the real family and they open a limitless world in themselves.

Good luck, USPU students!