International Student’s Day is a real holiday of students’ solidarity of different generations, different departments and educational establishments. Traditionally, this day is celebrated merrily, students demonstrate their skills, talents, energy.

On the 18th of November was held celebration of Student’s Day at the university hostel. The program was diverse and interesting.

The evening began conductors Nataliya Shkunyda and Mykhailo Gorschynskyi. There were different dances, songs, interesting competitions. The youth participated in unusual competitions, student life in miniatures, prepared by drama school “Student” (director – Tetyana Bondarchuk).

Disc Jokey Phedir Bukur (student of Physical Education Department), soloists Oleksandr Rumiantsev (student dean of Professional and Technology Education Department) and Valeria Saliy (Primary Education Department) prepared a nice music accompaniment.

Students like to celebrate Student’s Day so that to remember this day until the next year celebrations. We wish them happy years of student life, good memories of their studies.

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