Pavlo Tychyna Uman StatePedagogical University

Our priorities: quality, accessibility, professionalism

Presentation of works collection «Economy in the conditions of crisis» took place on the 11of February 2011 on the base of economic faculty. The work was presented by its author – a corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, an associate professor of economic sciences, professor, a deputy of the...
Dear colleagues, we invite you to the presentation of the work’s collection «Economy in conditions of crisis», which is taking part on the 11th of February 2011 at 15o’clock in the lecture-room № 420, block №3. The publication will be presenting by the author- doctor of economic sciences, the...
In January, 24, 2010 year there was academic council in the university where scientific community of higher school was summing up the scientific-research activity of 2010. Scientific and scientific-technical activity of Uman State pedagogical university named after P. Tychyna in account year was...
One more time in the walls of Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychynа on the base of the economic faculty an interesting and unordinary scientific event took place - the presentation of monograph «Regional integration». This work was presented by the authors – well-known...
Dear colleagues! We invited you to take part in a presentation of a study “Regional integration” ( the group of authors: Sabluk P.T. – Academician of NAANU, Doctor of Economy, Professor, Honoured Ukraine Science and Technology Scientist; Vlasov V. I. – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor,...
DEAR COLLEAGUES, DEAR STUDENTS! New year is always new, unknown step in the future, new hopes and expectations, filled with common joy festive light and sincere warmth. We wish the coming year brings happiness and prosperity, peace and harmony in your family, and every day of new year will be...
December 24, Ukrainian Minister of Education, Youth and Sports met candidates for universities leaders position. During the meeting, Dmytro Tabachnyk signed contracts with rector of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University Natalya Pobirchenko and several other university leaders. The...
Foreign Languages Department 4th year student Voroniuk Ievhen has been going in for Kyokushinkai (karate style)for several years. Twice he became prize-winner in Ukrainian championships. Also he was twice silver prize-winner in Cherkassy Region Championships. He took part in European karate...
On the base of the economic theory and marketing chair Second International Science and Practical Internet-Conference of students, graduates and young scientists “Modern problems of Ukrainian financial system reformation” has been conducted. In the access mode for discussion:...
On premises of Foreign Languages Department Art -presentation of the 4-th year students Vadym Burla and Dmytro Shvets took place. Dmytro Shvets, the author of numerous poetry pieces devoted to love theme, issued the patchwork called "Liryka", which was presented at Foreign Languages Department....