One more time in the walls of Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychynа on the base of the economic faculty an interesting and unordinary scientific event took place - the presentation of monograph «Regional integration». This work was presented by the authors – well-known Ukrainian scientists: director of the National Scientific Center "Institute of agrarian economy", Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Hero of Ukraine, Academician Sabluk Petro Trokhimovich and main research worker of the Department of external economic relations of the National Scientific Center "Institute of Agrarian Economy", Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Academician Vlasov Vladimir Ivanovich.

Presentation of a monograph has become an outstanding event in the life of economic scientific society of our city. The scientists of Uman higher educational establishments, representatives of local organs of self-government communicated with the leading economists of the country, discussed the ways of improvement the living standards in Ukraine.